
Per qualcuno può essere lo spazio - Second event

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News Invito Evento Fb

Per qualcuno può essere lo spazio
Conversations on living

The word

We look forward to seeing you on 29 May at 5.30 p.m. at the Theatre of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, at 54 via delle Belle Arti, for the second talk of Per qualcuno può essere lo spazio, the series of events organised to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of Open Project.

Paolo Ferrarini, journalist, lecturer and curator, who deals with cultural innovation between fashion and design; Rita Finzi, President of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, and Francesca Ragazzi, Head of Editorial Content of Vogue Italia, together with Maurizio Piolanti and Francesco Conserva, respectively President and Vice-President of Open Project, will discuss the theme of the word, memory and identity in the society of images, to explore the relationship between design, fashion, art and their narration. Moderator: Isabella Clara Sciacca, journalist.

In this programme of meetings, as well as in its daily design practice, Open Project engages in dialogue and overcoming the limits that circumscribe different disciplines, different fields, with the aim of giving concrete form to the idea of collaborative thinking.

With "For someone it can be space" Open Project celebrates design as a method and tool to promote confrontation, to give back a collective, wide-ranging interpretation of the reality that surrounds us, the problems that mark our daily lives and the challenges that lie ahead.

You can see the Per qualcuno può essere lo spazio second talk here.